
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Follow Friday - An Easy Blog Improvement!

I was checking the Geneablogger roll up on Monday and saw that Find My Ancestor had a series of posts on Mobile Monday about making your blog easier to read in  "Making Your Blog Mobile Friendly".  I was certainly interested in what A.C. Ivory had to say.  I read blog posts on my computer through my Google Reader, but when I'm out and about and have time to kill, I whip out my iPhone and scroll through with my MobileRSS app.

So occasionally I've noticed that the whole blog doesn't feed into the Mobile Reader or maybe I want to comment on someone's blog, so I go to the blogsite on my iPhone. It tends to take longer to load and then you have to expand the screen to be able to actually read the small type on the blog.  It's not an impossible feat, but what if it were easier to read on a mobile phone?  Ever go to Wikipedia or a news page and the information fits your screen perfectly?  They configured their pages so that they are easier to read on mobile phones!  Did you know that it's super easy for you to do with your blog?  I found out it was when I clicked through A.C.'s posts and now my blog is mobile-friendly!

The Find My Ancestor blog not only tells you how to do this with a Blogger account, but also with WordPress.  The link to A.C.'s "Mobile Monday" series will take you to all of his "Mobile Monday" blog posts, so scroll down if a new post has been made!  He's got a short video that shows how to do it.  I'm not going to go into explaining it here, because he did such a wonderful job!

Sure loyal fans will visit your blog regardless of whether you make it mobile-friendly or not, but why not be cutting-edge and make it easier on them!  They may come back more frequently!

I'm sure there's got to be a way to do this with websites.  If anyone knows how, let me know!  Mine's still under construction, but I'll certainly be wanting to make it mobile-friendly as soon as it's up and running!

Happy blogging!


  1. Thanks for the great post! I appreciate you sharing this with others. Are you building your website completely with HTML or are you using a special website or service to build it? There are a few different ways you can make your website "mobile friendly". Let me know how you are building your site and I can probably help.

  2. I will have to get in touch with you as soon as I get it up and running to make sure it's mobile friendly! Right now it's on the backburner, but I'm not comfortable with straight html so I'll be using something to help create it. I can only do minimal html changes! Thanks so much, A.C.!
