This probably should have been one of my first "Tombstone Tuesday" posts. Adam and Jadwiga Tabor are the ancestors that first got me into genealogy. When I was using my trial membership on 10+ years ago their names were the first I entered. I figured with a name like Jadwiga it would be an easy find. It was and I remember sitting there in our apartment in Honolulu staring at the computer screen and I couldn't believe I had actually found something. I ran into the other room to rave about it to my husband and I...was...HOOKED!
Adam and Jadwiga Tabor with Clarence and Aldona Tabor |
I've since realized that just because someone has a name that I think is unusual, like Jadwiga, doesn't mean it actually
is unusual. Genealogy is a constant learning curve, but I like that. It keeps you on your toes. You can learn so much just by going back to the same information and reviewing it days, weeks, months or years later. A clear head and fresh set of eyes.
Anyway, Adam and Jadwiga are my paternal great-grandparents. I never met them and really never heard much about them at all until I started researching. They are buried in the Lithuanian National Cemetery in Chinchila, Pennsylvania. It took me years to find the cemetery. My father didn't know where they were buried and I couldn't find the cemetery when I searched. I had information from their death certificates, but I couldn't seem to find it. I was searching long distance so it was mainly through emails and internet searching that I finally came across the address for the cemetery. It's on a winding back road and if you blink, you miss it. It's a rather small cemetery. I made sure to not the grid coordinates when I found it though!
A little memorial today to the two who started it all! Rest in peace Adam and Jadwiga!