"In Loving Memory Of
Rosemarie T. Amerling
Born September 7, 1917
Died October 18, 1989"
I decided to post this funeral card today because it had been one heck of a week and my blog was being neglected. I wanted to get something...anything up tonight. I didn't start by looking at my family tree, like I usually do (and like I should do). I did a search for Rose Amerling but didn't find a whole bunch that this card wouldn't tell me.
There was a link to FindAGrave where I could see that her husband was Edwin and when he died, but nothing that helped me with her maiden name. Amerling isn't a very familiar name in regards to my family, in that it isn't a direct line ancestor so I've heard it before, but that's about it. So I did what I should have done in the first place and got onto my family tree and there she was.
Rosemary (which is what I had her as) Amerling nee Boegel and Edwin had four known children (which I won't mention by name since they may still be living). The point is, that she's a Boegel. My mother-in-law's side of the family and Boegel is a direct line surname for my husband and sons.
So, yes, I had her in my tree and I had this card, but until I put it in my blog I didn't make the connection. No huge break-throughs, but a little connection is better than nothing at all.
(Rosemarie Amerling nee Boegel is my husband's 1st cousin twice removed).