The mysterious red spots and the hammer up the nose...and these were the days of my life! Those "mysterious red spots". Seriously, that's what we referred to them as. I already had chicken pox and a decent case of them so it wasn't a recurrence. It turned out that what those spots were was a case of the German measles (rubella), but I wasn't actually told that until I was older. We just kept calling them "mysterious red spots". As if it isn't hard enough being a kid, but to think that you've got some odd disease! :)

Apart from that I don't know of any other illnesses that I had. My sisters and I all had chicken pox at the same time, but nothing exciting. I haven't found anyone in my family that succumbed to the Great Influenza pandemic of 1918 (and I looked! I suppose we were very lucky). I did find out that my uncle had polio when he was a little boy. If I remember the story correctly (and my memory has never been what it should be), he was walking home and dragging his leg awkwardly. He (obviously) recovered from it and went on to become a doctor, a great husband, and wonderful father! I need more details on that story because it sounded like a good one at that!