I got an email from the New England Historic Genealogical Society the other day and they've got tons of really great stuff coming up! I'm seriously jealous that I'm too far away to attend! If you are lucky enough to be within driving distance of the society, head on over and take advantage of what are sure to be some great programs! Not within driving distance? They've got some great trips planned too!
So here it is right from NEHGS:
Make plans to start your genealogy with this great tour. This program begins with a thirty-minute introductory lecture and will be followed by a tour of the NEHGS library and its vast holdings.
June 1, 2011 from 10:00am-11:00am
99-101 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116-3007
Dubbed as one of the society's most popular programs, "Come home to New England," is a fun-filled week of family history discovery and education. This program features research, individual consultations, interesting lectures, group meals, and other exciting activities.
June 13, 2011 9:00am - June 18, 2011 5:00pm
99-101 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116-3007
Dr. Barbara B. Reitt will describe what she learned in a four-year search for truths long hidden by the family and what compelled her to respond to her late father's memoirs by researching and writing a biography of his grandmother.
June 22, 1011 6:00pm - 7:00pm
99-101 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116-3007
Please join NEHGS as we explore our Irish immigrant ancestors' native land, the rolling hills of Ireland. We will discover spectacular scenery, and enjoy legendary Irish hospitality in internationally renowned hotels and restaurants and elegant private homes.
[OK...I'm seriously bummed that I'll be on vacation and can't do this. I would take this trip in a heart-beat! It sounds fabulous!]
July 5, 2011 5:00pm - July 15, 2011 5:00pm
Please email education@nehgs.org if you wish to be place on a waiting list for the event.
Join NEHGS as we explore the vast resources of the New York State Archives. The weekend includes individual consultations, lectures, and a group dinner.
July 13, 2011 3:00pm - July 17, 2011 11:00am
Albany, New York
Discover the wealth of information available in London's repositories as NEHGS returns to London in 2011. Participants will take part in two group dinners, consultations, and guided research tours through the Society of Genealogists (SOG) and the National Archives (UK).
September 25, 2011 3:00pm - October 2, 2011 12:00pm
London, United Kingdom
Like anything you see? To learn more go to AmericanAncestors.org/Event. You can register online or print the registration and mail it off to:
NEHGS, Education & Tours
Attn: Joshua Taylor
99-101 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116-3007
If you have any questions you can call 2-888-296-3447 or email education@nehgs.org
Even if you can't go to the programs or on the trips, be sure to check out the great stuff on the American Ancestors website!