Scranton, Pa
Dear Corp
Sorry I could not send you the money any sooner. I had attack of the virus, and had to stay home a few days. Enclosed is a check for $300.00 and a judgement note; for your and Flossie to sign. In that there is proof you received the money from me. Please have you and Flossie sign the note and send it back to me. I hope you have good luck in N. Jersey to procuring work.
Your Brother,
So my grandfather was looking for work when all this happened. Obviously in financial need with a wife and 2 kids. I don't know if the job in New Jersey ever panned out, but I know my father and uncle never moved from Hazleton, PA so if the job worked out, my grandfather must have commuted. Not really feasible at the time. It would be a long commute. Something someone might do today, but not back then (I suppose).
Another thing that I find crossing my mind is why does uncle Adam keep referring to having "the virus"? I know he lived for another 25 years so whatever it is is certainly a mystery to me. I may have his death certificate. I'm not sure. I will certainly be looking though.