Sunday, January 29, 2012

Military Monday - Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery

Last Monday morning as I got the kids ready for school I saw the front page of the newspaper and saw the memorial for the casualties for Iraq and Afghanistan.  The Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery will be adding the casualties for 2011 onto the 2010 monument and it will be dedicated on Memorial Day 2012.  Why are they adding the names onto an existing stone instead of adding a new monument like they had in previous years?  Well, thankfully for 2010 there were only 10 casualties that were either from Central Texas or were stationed in Central Texas.

Don't get me wrong.  Ten casualties is 10 too many and I look forward to the day when we aren't adding anymore names, but I am grateful that the monument is not like the others...full, or mostly full.  I will head over to the cemetery after the monument is dedicated and get a photo of both sides (one side is a list of names, the other is for photos).

I am posting the list of names published on January 23rd, 2010 in the Killeen Daily Herald.  I know that many people have visited my site looking for names on the memorials.  If you know someone on this list has their name is spelled incorrectly (I double checked my spelling so that it matched the news article), please contact Patrick Turck at or (254) 681-2224 if there is a mistake, if you have a photo to submit for one of the fallen, or if someone's name is completely missing.  Please note that I am fully aware that the abbreviations for some of the ranks are incorrect.  This is the way that they are on the memorials.  Please contact Mr. Turck if the rank is incorrect (not the abbreviation).

Roll Call
Spc. David A. Croft Jr
Spc. Christian M. Adams
Capt. Jason E Holbrook
Pfc. Alexis V. Maldonado
Pfc. Diego M. Montoya
Pfc. Barbara Vieyra
Sgt. Mark A. Simpson
Spc. Donald S. Morrison
Pfc. David R. Jones Jr.
Cpl. Shawn D. Fannin
Pfc. David D. Finch
Sgt. Michael P. Bartley
Sgt. Martin Lamar
Staff Sgt. Mecolus C. Mcdaniel
Staff Sgt. Christian S. Garcia
Staff Sgt. Quadi S. Hudgins
Staff Sgt. Jorge A. Scatliffe
Sgt. Vorasack T. Xaysana
Pfc. Antonio D. Stiggins
1st Lt. Omar J. Vazquez
Spc. Robert M. Friese
Chief Warrant Officer Christopher R. Thibodeau
Pfc. Matthew J. England
Staff Sgt. Nicholas P. Bellard
Sgt. Glenn M. Sewell
Staff Sgt. Russell J. Proctor
Spc. Dylan J. Johnson
Spc. Matthew R. Gallagher
Sgt. Robert G. Tenney Jr.
Capt. Matthew G. Nielson
Capt. David E. Vancamp
Sgt. Steven L. Talamantez
Cpl. Frank R. Gross
Staff Sgt. Estevan Altamirano
Pfc. Steven F. Shapiro
Sgt. Paul A. Rivera
Capt. Shawn P.T. Charles
Sgt. John A. Lyons
Pfc. Adam E. Dobereiner
Sgt. Noah M. Korte
Spc. Kurt W. Kern
Pfc. Justin M. Whitmire

May our Soldiers come home soon.

[To view my other blog posts on this memorial just click on the year to be taken to that post: 2002-2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010]


  1. A sad, but beautiful monument. I love that there are photos on puts a face to the name and to me it has more impact. Very moving and a wonderful tribute.

  2. I just came across the below post by Heather at Nutfield Genealogy about her Honor Roll project. She is trying to put together a list of Veteran memorials and the names inscribed on them. I remembered that you had done quite a bit of work in transcribing this memorial and thought you might want to share your link for her project. Thanks again for taking the time to transcribe this!
